Friday, April 13, 2007

Thrift Addiction

This was the situation last Saturday.

I walk into a thrift store, the third thrift of the morning, after finding very little at the others. I walk into the disgustingly dirty "old linens" room where fitted sheets, old bath mats, and afghans make their not so temporary homes. I look through the entire room including on the shelving above the hanging racks and find an old calender towel that is way too used, but cute.

I turn to leave and my heart stops. Under one of the of the racks, peeking slightly out of a plastic grocery bag, I find folded yardage (I get so excited to find something I'm actually looking for)! I pounced on the bag as if ten other women were after the same thing, rummaged clumsily inside and found this fabulous acrobat fabric (picture above). I couldn't believe my eyes. As an aside, I also found some wonderful ticking in the same bag. My cost for this marvelous 5+ yard hall - $2.00!

I NEVER find funky but oh-so-fun craft supplies when I go thrifting. I end up passing over some of the ugliest fabric in town - and not the good 70's kind of ugly either. I always find 80's ugly or cute 70's in polyester, neither of which interests me. I can't understand the country look and polyester doesn't feel right in my hands.

So it was my first really successful thrift! I am now addicted. I love the hunt and the thrill of never knowing just what you will find. And then the pure joy when you find something perfectly funky/adorable/usable for 50 cents - you can't beat it. I don't even feel guilty for bringing home the so-so, has-to-grow-on-me fabrics because its so cheap. I do, however, have to work on space to keep all of my new found loot.


vintagechica said...

Man, you did good!!! Love that fabric. Welcome to the thrift addiction! You're in good company.

MilkMaid said...

Very cool fabric and at a bargain to boot! Thrift success feels SO good!


Anonymous said...

"I pounced on the bag as if ten other women were after the same thing"

OMG - I *so* could have written that sentence. Whenever I drive to estate sales I'm *convinced* that every other car on the road is headed to my same location. When I get there I just *know* in my heart of hearts that they are all there for fabric.

Funny enough, so very few of them ever are.