Sunday, April 1, 2007

The "Eye"

Skunk Toy, originally uploaded by String and Scissor.

Ages ago when I first started my studies in landscape architecture, translating 2-dimensional plans into the eventual 3-dimensional spaces challanged and frustrated me. In my grading classes I designed hills that were actually holes. It took a while for me to develop the "eye", to look at a plan and picture in my mind what it would really looks like.

The same thing has been happening to me with my 3-dimensional softies. The way 3 or 4 pieces of fabric come together to make the curves and contours of something 3-d fascinates me. I've been practicing with little succuss. My first attempt was a pitiful little dog that turned out looking like a fat sausage (legs coming out of the sides and not the bottom where I had intended) with a disproportionately small head.

This week I finally did it!I actually made a skunk out of 4 pieces of fabric - And it looks kind of like a skunk! It actually looks as I intended it to look. I am starting to get the hang of it, just like I was back in school.

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