Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Red and Purple pincusions

Just popping in to show my two latest pincushions. I usually use felt for these, but thought I'd try fabric this time. I used the sewing machine which I don't usually do with felt. The one thing I learned - I cannot sew a perfect square. I'll have to work on that.


Sexy Lexi said...

Jen...these are freakin' ADORABLE!!! Will you make me one? PLEEEEEAAAASE!

I LOVE the are tapping into my inner seamstress, and these are the kind of projects I would love to attempt. Baby steps for me!

Adore the vintage fabric, too.

Have you considered selling some of your cushions on Etsy? I was thinking about creating a line of cards and prints using my sketches and photography. That project is for AFTER the wedding. :)

Yippee! Now we can be blog buddies, too!

Anonymous said...

Love love love these.


We should totally trade.